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The Transformation – The Virtual has become the Reality - WICKED WALES STUDIOS, RHYL, ARE NOW OPEN

A special moment……… from writing our first blog a year ago when we had just been given the keys to an empty garage, fast forward to our international youth film festival in October, opening the studio doors and welcoming our first 50 children in to watch international short films and then make films. 

Our festival in our own home for the first time.

When we were designing the Studios, we wanted to create one reaction from people walking through the door, the WOW factor and this we have done.

If we had any doubts if we were doing the right thing the 600 people who were part of our festival who watched films, made films were gaming together on the big screen and our film friends from all over the world who joined the live streams and watched the winning films on our youtube channel, we now know



It has been a very hard year, lots of funding applications written and our thanks go to Postcode Lottery, Key Fund Levelling Up, Children in Need, TNL Community Fund, Community Foundation Wales, Keep Wales Tidy, Gwynt Y Mor, The Millenium Stadium Trust for believing in us before we could prove it. Our volunteers who have helped with the painting, gardening, 3AD Create making a lighting rig, putting up the cinema screen, Ronnie recovering chairs, dyeing chairs, making cushions, James putting up blinds, making a refreshment bar, building cupboards, painting cupboards picking up donated furniture, helping us to find an electrician, a plumber, a handy person, solicitors, accountants, surveyors, a flooring company, advice on the best equipment for the studios and editing suite and ITV Carole Green and Mike Griffiths our first link with the industry supporting our young people and sharing the good stories about Rhyl.

Our Studios may be based surrounded by some of the most deprived wards in Wales but we are also surrounded by a richness of talent just looking for the chance to succeed. 

Our Studios will be that chance.

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